Truth and Revision

What to do when the search for the truth and the embrace of it confronts us? To the point where it might suggest a wholescale change in the way we see things?

Christopher Columbus is outed as an advocate and practitioner of sex slavery. This is not really news. Lots of loyal Americans looked on 1992 as an awkward moment, and others no less loyal lamented the beginning of a genocide against natives of our western continents. What on earth to do with this? Am I obligated to renounce my membership in the Knights of Columbus? Or just decline to use the man’s name or even the usual acronym, “KC” or “KofC”?

I was thinking about a city in which I once served. The local Catholic High School is named for “Columbus.” (Why not a saint? Don’t ask me.) Suppose some students, faculty, parents, or other Catholics began a campaign to change the name. Would I be obliged to support it? Would opposition be dismayed from a sense of passing a positive judgment on a person who fell far short of a Gospel ideal as viewed through a modern lens? Would the lack of support from Catholics possibly cede the moral high ground to secular feminists or others supporting or conducting such a campaign?

How much scrutiny should the Church apply to its saints? Does declared sainthood mean or even imply that criticism of the person is out of bounds? What about honest research? Does avoidance of history serve the truth? And which is more damaging to the faith: that heroes are revealed as sinners, or that we hide the “scandalous” news from others?

Looks like a dozen questions, give or take. I have a lot of questions today, and very few answers. Comments are welcome if you have either or both.

About catholicsensibility

Todd lives in Minnesota, serving a Catholic parish as a lay minister.
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1 Response to Truth and Revision

  1. Randolph Nichols says:

    “How much scrutiny should the Church apply to its saints?”

    Well, a little would be nice. The Catholic parish in my town is named after St. Catherine of Alexandria even though current scholarship seems to suggest she never existed. I’m bothered by the incongruity but most townsfolk would just as soon sweep such objections under the rug.

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