Built of Living Stones 139: Concluding Chapter Two

A transition from a chapter heavily backed by Church teaching, as we move into thirty numbered sections in which we will examine the role of art, and the people who create it.

§ 139 § In this chapter, the liturgical actions of the Church provide the guidelines for the building of a church. There must be space for the variety of the community’s prayer, which extends from the primary worship of the Eucharist to popular devotions. The complex balance of all these factors and of the people who participate in them is the most important dimension for the education, planning, and execution of a building plan for a community. The following chapter will reflect upon the use of the arts and the importance of planning for their proper placement early in the design process.

Balancing various concerns can be complex, especially when the budget is limited and a community chooses not to do some things it wishes it could.

All texts from Built of Living Stones are copyright © 2000, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

About catholicsensibility

Todd lives in Minnesota, serving a Catholic parish as a lay minister.
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