Spes Non Confundit 12: Young People

12. Signs of hope are also needed by those who are the very embodiment of hope, namely, the young. Sadly, they often see their dreams and aspirations frustrated.

Young people across all races, ethnic groups, and economic status can feel stifled. Sometimes, it is simply a factor of being young and not yet complete or settled. Too often, it is due to oppression in some way in society at large.

We must not disappoint them, for the future depends on their enthusiasm. It is gratifying to see the energy they demonstrate, for example, by rolling up their sleeves and volunteering to help when disasters strike and people are in need.

Quite true that many young people have a natural generosity and drive to help others, to serve a common good. Sometimes this is manipulated for the good of a few. But there’s no doubt that the population of mission efforts is largely filled by the young.

When this natural energy is frustrated or stunted …

Yet it is sad to see young people who are without hope, who face an uncertain and unpromising future, who lack employment or job security, or realistic prospects after finishing school. Without the hope that their dreams can come true, they will inevitably grow discouraged and listless. Escaping into drugs, risk-taking and the pursuit of momentary pleasure does greater harm to them in particular, since it closes them to life’s beauty and richness, and can lead to depression and even self-destructive actions. For this reason, the Jubilee should inspire the Church to make greater efforts to reach out to them. With renewed passion, let us demonstrate care and concern for adolescents, students and young couples, the rising generation. Let us draw close to the young, for they are the joy and hope of the Church and of the world!

This last point would be a good addition for the agenda for any parish or diocese to consider as a primary focus for the Jubilee.

You can check the full document on the Vatican website here.

About catholicsensibility

Todd lives in Minnesota, serving a Catholic parish as a lay minister.
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