St Thomas Aquinas Novena

The following links will bring you to the theme-days praying with (one of my previous) parish’s patron saint, Thomas Aquinas:

Day One, Thomas Aquinas and Baptism

Day Two, Thomas Aquinas as Student

Day Three, Thomas Aquinas as Teacher

Day Four, Thomas Aquinas as Priest

Day Five, Thomas Aquinas as Dominican Preacher

Day Six, Thomas Aquinas and the Eucharist

Day Seven, Thomas Aquinas and Keeping Vigil

Day Eight, Thomas Aquinas as Saint

Day Nine, Thomas Aquinas as Doctor of the Church

A novena is a nine-day commitment of prayer, modeled on the experience of the disciples of Jesus, who waited and prayed after the Lord’s Ascension into heaven, and before the experience of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Focusing on our parish’s patron saint, Thomas Aquinas, this novena will help you pray over nine days, starting on January 21st, and concluding on the weekend we observe Thomas’ feast day, January 29th. These prayers and Scripture readings were designed to take the believer through nine different aspects of the saint’s life. Hopefully one or more of these aspects will touch upon your spiritual life as well.

Some visitors may be coming to this page long after our parish concludes its celebration. You can begin this novena any day, really. A student may want to begin nine days before exam week. Another person may be seeking wisdom for an important decision. Perhaps a person is discerning a Dominican charism or vocation with the order. Possibly another believer just has a devotion to this saint, and so can take nine days to pray in a special way to deepen the connections.

Spend a few minutes each day with the opening prayer, a scripture passage to read and meditate upon, an intercession, and a closing prayer. If you wish a longer prayer time, you might engage in Lectio Divina with the Scripture passage, or offer additional intercessions, or unite this prayer with another practice, such as daily Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Rosary, or one of your personal devotions.

St Thomas Aquinas Church and Catholic Student Center’s website is here.

7 Responses to St Thomas Aquinas Novena

  1. Alves xaviers says:


  2. Pingback: St. Thomas Aquinas – Doctor of the Church « ShrineTower

  3. Pingback: Devoting Time With Thomas Aquinas | Catholic Sensibility

  4. Pingback: With St Thomas Aquinas | Catholic Sensibility

  5. Pingback: Devoting Time With Thomas Aquinas | Catholic Sensibility

  6. Maria says:

    Can this novena be said anytime or only during the time leading up to St. Thomas Aquinas Feast Day in January?
    Thank you

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