Spes Non Confundit 8: Peace

8. The first sign of hope should be the desire for peace in our world, which once more finds itself immersed in the tragedy of war.

Indeed, the movement for peace is a good bit beyond the Christian sheepfold, though many believers do advocate strongly for it. I wonder: is the desire for peace waning? Are many more people out for vengeance these days?

Heedless of the horrors of the past, humanity is confronting yet another ordeal, as many peoples are prey to brutality and violence. What does the future hold for those peoples, who have already endured so much? How is it possible that their desperate plea for help is not motivating world leaders to resolve the numerous regional conflicts in view of their possible consequences at the global level? Is it too much to dream that arms can fall silent and cease to rain down destruction and death?

Only the next decade or two will tell. Climate change has been behind much of the world’s violence this century. As it will likely worsen, we will see how patterns of hunger affect Third World peoples.

May the Jubilee remind us that those who are peacemakers will be called “children of God” (Matthew 5:9). The need for peace challenges us all, and demands that concrete steps be taken. May diplomacy be tireless in its commitment to seek, with courage and creativity, every opportunity to undertake negotiations aimed at a lasting peace.

You can check the full document on the Vatican website here.

About catholicsensibility

Todd lives in Minnesota, serving a Catholic parish as a lay minister.
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