RCIA 287-290: Finishing Up Rite of Election

img_6803Let’s wrap up the Rite of Election for children of catechetical age. As with the adult rite (134) RCIA 287 lists intercessions, but only one set. Just a sample of a petition that has been edited:

That together we may fruitfully employ this Lenten season to renew ourselves through self-denial and works of holiness… (RCIA 134)

That together we may grow this Lent in our love for God and neighbor … (RCIA 287)

A few petitions are not drastically changed from option A in RCIA 134. Option B in the adult rite is actually less wordy than the adaptation here for young people. As another point of comparison, look at the Prayer over the Elect from the adult rite:

Lord God,
you created the human race
and are the author of its renewal.
Bless all your adopted children
and add these chosen ones
to the harvest of your new covenant.

As true children of the promise,
may they rejoice in eternal life,
won, not by the power of nature,
but through the mystery of your grace.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

And the given text in RCIA 288, option A:

Lord God,
you created us
and you give us life.
Bless these children
and add them to your family.
May they be joyful in the life you won for us
through Christ our Lord.

RCIA 289 gives the dismissal, adapted from the four options given in RCIA 136. And as with the adult rite, a concluding song “may”  conclude the liturgy. RCIA 290, the provision for the Liturgy of the Eucharist, is word-for-word identical with RCIA 68.

About catholicsensibility

Todd lives in Minnesota, serving a Catholic parish as a lay minister.
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