Ordination Rites: Admission to Candidacy 6-11

Let’s pick up after the homily and see how this rite for admission to candidacy is celebrated and concluded. Candidates are called after the homily:


6. The appointed deacon or priest calls the candidates by name. Each one answers: Present, and goes to the bishop, before whom he makes a sign of reverence.

The bishop alludes to the candidates having already begun a process of formation. Note that it is not referred to by the more limited tern of “education.”


7. Then the bishop speaks to the candidates in these words or in others which the conference of bishops may determine:

My sons, the pastors and teachers in charge of your formation, and others who know you, have given a favorable account of you, and we have full confidence in their testimony.

Two questions for the candidates:

In response to the Lord’s call are you resolved to com­plete your preparation so that in due time you will be ready to be ordained for the ministry of the Church?

Together the candidates answer:

I am.

The bishop:

Are you resolved to prepare yourselves in mind and spirit to give faithful service to Christ the Lord and his body, the Church?

The candidates:

I am.


If it wishes, the conference of bishops may determine the manner in which the bishop is to accept the candidates.

The bishop adds:

The Church receives your declaration with joy. May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to fulfillment.



The people pray, and the given intercessions tell us something of how the Church views the theology and purpose of ordained ministry. These intercessions may be replaced by locally composed prayers, but these tell us as much as the official documentation or the catechism:


8. Then all stand, and the bishop, without his miter, invites the people to pray:

Brothers and sisters, let us ask our God and Lord to pour out his grace and blessing on these servants of his who desire to give their lives to the ministry of the Church.


9. The deacon or another qualified minister proposes the fol­lowing intentions or others adapted to the circumstances. All respond with an appropriate acclamation.

Deacon or minister:

That our brothers may draw closer to Christ and be his witnesses in the world, let us pray to the Lord:

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Deacon or minister:

That they may share the burdens of others and always listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord:

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Deacon or minister:

That they may become ministers of the Church who will strengthen the faith of their brothers and sisters by word and example, and gather them together to share in the eucharist, let us pray to the Lord:

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Closeness to Christ so as to become his witnesses, sharing the struggles with others linked to a listening stance with the Spirit, and be an example for others. Do priests and deacons remember these guidelines and check their lives and ministry with these stated prayers?

Two choices for the concluding prayer:


10. The bishop continues:

Lord, hear our prayers for your sons who wish to dedicate themselves to your service and the service of your people in the sacred ministry.

Bless them + in your fatherly love, that they may persevere in their vocation, and through their loving fidelity to Christ the Priest be worthy to carry out the Church’s apostolic mission.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.




Lord, help your servants to understand and live the mystery of your love more completely every day.

Deepen their sense of purpose as they prepare for the sacred ministry of the Church and fill them with the spirit of your love so that they may be wholehearted in bringing salvation to mankind for the glory of your name.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.




11. If the rite of admission takes place during Mass, the celebration continues as usual. If it takes place during a cele­bration of the word, the bishop blesses the assembly and dismisses it in the usual way.

Does this liturgy ever not include the celebration of the Eucharist?


About catholicsensibility

Todd lives in Minnesota, serving a Catholic parish as a lay minister.
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2 Responses to Ordination Rites: Admission to Candidacy 6-11

  1. Minister says:

    Thanks for sharing this:)

  2. Jason Mahoney says:

    Yes, occasionally the rite does take place outside of Mass. In the seminary where I study, if there is a good reason, it has been celebrated during Evening Prayer. The only ministry which cannot be instituted outside of Mass is the Ministry of Acolyte.

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